Wednesday, September 1, 2010


What is college? According to the dictionary college is an institution of higher education that grants degrees. But college is much more. It has many elements such as, academics, social, and personal. Each has its own accomplishments. In academics, I'm striving to do well in each of my classes, which are all different and full of different people, which makes making friends easy and difficult all at the same time.
What I mean by this is, I either have a class three days or two days out of the week. With each class having different people, I can meet many new people, but at the same time I dont see the same people everyday so it makes it hard to make friends. A cool thing is that these new friends are from all over the place, so along with making new friends, I get to learn about different towns or cities, along with other cultures. To me learning about different areas is so interesting. I love to find out differences between places and learning about new things that are interesting.
The personal element comes in with students doing their own thing and adding character to the campus, through art or expressing their beliefs. Everyone is different and each person adds to the campus life in one way or another. I want to accomplish something this year to add life to the campus. I was thinking about possibly starting an amateur radio club, but we shall see what I decide to do.

So college has many aspects. Its not just an institution that grants degrees.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about trying to do a radio show once I get this whole thing figured out and balanced like I said in my post. I think it is cool reading everyones blogs because everyone has so many different views on whats happening rite now, but at the same time, they are the same. I think that everyone is feeling all the same things to some extent but we are all focusing on different things, you are focusing on friendships being made while I am focusing on the balancing aspect.
