Thursday, September 23, 2010

Investigating Blogs

I was looking online for blogs to look at and read. I came across two that were really interesting to me that I thought I would share with you. I love to bowl and I came across a bowling blog. This blog talks about bowling balls, shoes, bags and much more. It has great information on lots of things related to bowling.

Another blog I found was a firefighting blog. It talks about 9/11 and forest fires, pretty much anything related to firefighting. There are great pictures and videos.

These are two things that I did while I was in middle school and high school. I started bowling on the youth league in my town in middle school and stopped after my senior year in high school, not by choicce but because of the fact that I was no longer considered to be a youth. But I still love to go bowling every now and again. I started in the East Hampton Volunteer Fire Department in May of 2006 amd ended shortly after my senior year was over. I didn't have the time to do it anymore. I held the secretary and tresurers spot for two and a half years and the captians postion for six months.

I wish I had more time to do these things, but even if I did I live to far away. These blogs are great and if you are into either of these topics you should look at these blogs. Check out the pictures and the videos and read about all the information on the topics given.


1 comment:

  1. I love to bowl too! i was in a bowling league with my brother for a while he is really good i was just okayy but i loved it!
