Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tick Tock...Times up

Time management is a skill that every college student needs to master, it won't come over night, it takes time to figure it out.

We all often practice procrastination because we don't want to do homework when we can be off doing something else. I write my blogs on Thursdays because on Fridays after class I get picked up and brought home, every week. You might say well you have til Saturday night still, because you can use your parent's computers. You would be right, except for the fact that during the weekend I am usually spending time with them or at my boyfriend's house, which leaves me with no time to write a blog after class on Friday.

In order for people to not procrastinate all the time, we need to see what we do in the day and if there are blocks of time where we are doing nothing or spending way too much time on the Internet or in front of the television, then we can use that time to do other things like homework or cleaning. Some ways you can find out how much extra time you use for other things instead for homework or house cleaning could be, write down everything you do for a week or two (times included) and analyze what you do versus what you need to do or you can not use any electronics for the day.

However you choose to figure out how much extra time you have is up to you. But every person, never mind just college students should learn how to do this.

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