Tuesday, January 25, 2011

College So Far

Today was my second day of classes. I got up this morning to go to my 810 class, the class was there but the professor wasn't. I went to my next class and the professor jumped right in and the notetaking began.

Actually, lets go back to yesterdays classes. I got up and went to my biology class and he told us that we need to get this lab notebook for class and it has to be handed in at the end of the semester. So I went to the bookstore and bought this lab notebook for $39.80. I can't even return it. Then I went to my US History class and the professor seemed nice but her voice is going to drive me crazy. Every time she takes a breath, her voice gets really high and then goes down and the process repeats itself. My english professor is my favorite. I think that his class will be very interesting.

Well anyways back to today. I went to lunch with a couple friends and after one of them came up to my room with me so she could kill some time. Right as we were going to leave, someone knocks on my door. There is this girl standing there asking me if she could room with me. She explained a little bit of her issues with her other roommates and I agreed to let her room here. I was looking for a roommate and now I have one. I am excited because that is what I really wanted, but at the same time I wonder if I could have made it through the semester with out one.

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