Thursday, January 27, 2011

College...good times or bad?

Yesterday I didn't go to class because my first class was at 3:25 and the university was closed at noon and today classes were cancelled this morning. I was in bed till ten this morning just laying there. After Maura got up to go take a shower, I went over to open the blinds. When I looked out the window, the sidewalks infront of Wilkinson Hall (where I live) were not plowed yet and the snow was deep, but the sidewalks infront of Chase Hall and the sidewalks to the road were plowed. I wasn't about to walk through the snow to get to Connecticut Hall (the dining hall). And to boot, there were people infront of Wilkinson Hall shoveling the snow off of the stairs. When I left a couple of hours later, they hadn't made any progress.

Well dad came and picked me up from school, so I can go see Haley's play and for my brother's birthday, which is on Sunday. I get to go back on Sunday and hopefully I can go to class next week. I have yet to have my biology lecture. The professor never showed up on Tuesday and today there was no school. I hope this semester will be better then the last one, but we will see.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My new roommate's name is Maura. I think we will get along great. We talked more last night, then Lindsay and I ever did. I am excited for this semester. On top of getting along we have the same bio lab and the same bio lecture. I have a study buddy.

Classes were cancelled earlier today so I don't have any classes today. Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow. (I know its not going to happen, but I can only wish.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

College So Far

Today was my second day of classes. I got up this morning to go to my 810 class, the class was there but the professor wasn't. I went to my next class and the professor jumped right in and the notetaking began.

Actually, lets go back to yesterdays classes. I got up and went to my biology class and he told us that we need to get this lab notebook for class and it has to be handed in at the end of the semester. So I went to the bookstore and bought this lab notebook for $39.80. I can't even return it. Then I went to my US History class and the professor seemed nice but her voice is going to drive me crazy. Every time she takes a breath, her voice gets really high and then goes down and the process repeats itself. My english professor is my favorite. I think that his class will be very interesting.

Well anyways back to today. I went to lunch with a couple friends and after one of them came up to my room with me so she could kill some time. Right as we were going to leave, someone knocks on my door. There is this girl standing there asking me if she could room with me. She explained a little bit of her issues with her other roommates and I agreed to let her room here. I was looking for a roommate and now I have one. I am excited because that is what I really wanted, but at the same time I wonder if I could have made it through the semester with out one.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winter Break is Coming to an End

Today is my last day in East Hampton. After my dad gets out of class and eats dinner we are leaving so I can go back to school. I'm not looking forward to sleeping in my dorm by myself. I don't like it. But anyways I'm going back today and classes start tomorrow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Roommate Blues

I have been checking my southern email account periodically since I went on break. Today I checked it to see if I got anything new. I had gotten an updated rooming assignment. I had a roommate last semester but her parents wanted her to go to a triple to save them money. At the end of last semester, I got another roommate. But according to my email, I am the only one in my room. I don't mind having my own room, but half of it will be empty, which will be weird.

Hopefully, I will get a new roommate soon.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Really, really excited

My family had the family meeting today. Dad began it by saying that my Grandfather dropped a bomb on him Friday night. He also said that he thinks its a great idea. By him saying that, I was really excited and I didn't know what he could have possibly said to my dad.

After what felt like hours, my dad said that my Grandfather told him that he is taking us on vacation. I was still excited but also puzzled, until he said that we are going to go to Hungary either the end of July or the beginning of August.

I can't wait to go. I have been dreaming to go and see the country. Thank you Grammie and Grampa.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Earlier today, I got a phone call from my dad, saying that I have a package from overseas. I could only think of my cousin, Attila. After we got off of the phone, I told Bill what he had said and asked if we could stop by my house later to see what it was.

From the time that my dad told me to the time I got home, I couldn't get it off of my mind. I didn't ask for anything and I wasn't expecting anything from him. I had no idea what it could have been.

So I finally got home and my dad hands me my mail from the red cross and something else underneath the envelope. I put down the other thing to read what I got from the red cross and then picked up what I had gotten. He had sent me a book, Made in Hungary or Made By Hungarians. I decided that I wanted to start to read this book, so soon after I sat down and started to read it. It has a lot of interesting things that I haven't ever thought of.

But anyways, thank you Attila for this book.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Past Couple of Days

The past couple of days, I have been at my boyfriend's house. He picked me up Tuesday night after his EMT class, so I could help him study for his quiz that he took yesterday. He had thirty questions on it and he had to get twenty-three in order to pass. He got twenty-five right. I am so proud of him. He studied really hard to get that grade.

Today, Billy, Catie (Bill's sister), John (Caitie's boyfriend) and I went to Wesleyan to go sledding. When we go there, there were many little kids sledding down the hill and they were making big holes in the side of the hill making it hard to sled down. Bill decided that he wanted to go down and go off of the jump, so he asked me to borrow my gloves, seeing as he forgot his and asked me to hold on to his glasses. I was hoping to go down soon after he came up, but he decided to try to fix the snow on the way down to the jump, so I couldn't go down. I ended up not going down at all, because the hill was so bad.

Well now I am hoping to get a better nights rest then I did last night, but I won't go to bed til later. For now I am going to relax.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This is what dreams are made of.

I have been going nuts over scholarships today. I have gone on to fastweb and gone through every scholarship that they have matched for me. I had to delete a lot of them because of the age and/or school level, but I have tried to do everyone that I can. I am going to keep trying.

School Jobs

Today, I tried to fill out a job application for the fall semester on campus. I have tried to jump through hoops to get some information from someone, but I still have yet to get it. I really want to get a job. I am applying for the desk attendant and for a community coordinator. When I get to school I have to give two request forms to two different people to even try to get the community coordinator position.


Today, I was home alone, because everyone has places that they have to go to (school and work). So, of course, I have to take care of the fire. I was using the wood out of the same pile that I was yesterday and this wood won't burn. It has been driving me crazy. I have to leave the door open for it kinda burn.

Tonka was driving me nuts. I was so glad when my mom finally came home, because now he won't leave her alone. The only way that I could be alone was if I could shut the door before he got there. When we were in the kitchen and I was trying to make my self something for lunch and he decided that it would be a good idea to jump on me. I wasn't paying any attention to his barking. But when he jumped on me, I yelled at him and he went into the living room and laid down.

I didn't do much else today. There isn't much to do when I'm the only one here.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I am sitting at the kitchen table with Philip and Bill, watching them play battleship. Philip just informed Bill that he has no more ships in A and that he isn't considering it cheating. I don't understand why he would do that. He just told him where his ships aren't, which in turn will make it easier for Bill to win this game, but he doesn't seem to understand. He also told Bill how his boats are positioned. There is no way that he is going to win now.

Well anyways, I had a good day. I took the dog out to play in the snow. He loved it. There are piles of snow at the end of the driveway and he would jump over it as he ran towards me. I think that Tonka is part frog with the way and how much he jumps. After I put him on the lease so I could go get the mail and the garbage can froim the top of the driveway and not have him run off on me. As it turns out, he doesn't like the noise that the garbage can makes. Eariler this morning, Haley was vacuuming the family room. Tonka doesn't like the vacuum either, so he decided that he was going to jump over the couch to a place where the vacuum couldn't get him.

While I was at home by myself, I decided to work out a little bit. It felt so good. I think I am going to do the same routine all the time now. I really like this one over the other ones that I have tried in the past. :)

The day is coming to an end and some much needed relaxation is in order, but of course I have to finish the dishes and convince my boyfriend that he should spend some time with me too.

Where Does Time Go

It seems like yesterday I was writing on this blog, but it wasn't. This past weekend, I helped Billy studied for the quiz that he has to take this week for his EMT class. To me the information that I was reading to him was interesting and it was to him, but he couldn't sit there and listen for long periods of time. It took awhile to get through the fifty page chapter, but we finally finished it last night. I wish him the best.

Today, I am back at home by myself. I don't know what I am going to do. I am thinking about taking the dog outside for a little bit before lunch. And I can't wait for later when everyone else gets home, so I'm not all by myself, but that won't be for another couple of hours.

O, before I forget, Grammie and Grampa, I shared the curry with BIlly and he and I both enjoyed it. Thank you.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Yesterday I went to the fire house to talk to Marty about my scholarship that I got from them. He told me what I needed and then today I spent my time trying to figure out how to get what he wanted. But when it came to get what he wanted, I couldn't get it.

Today, Bill came over to hang out with me. I think we are going to play some games. A little while ago, he and the dog were playing on the floor. Tonka really enjoyed it. He doesn't get to play that rough with someone all the time. I can't wait to be able to take him outside and play with him.

Well, I'm being called, I guess I will have to finish later.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Compostion 1: A-
Inquiry: B+
Geography: A
Wellness: A
Theatre: A

GPA: 3.8