Thursday, September 30, 2010


On Thursday, September 16, my boyfriend, Billy and I went to see the college humor. I thought That the two guys that came up first were going to be the show, but as it turns out I was wrong. After their little bit, they introduced someone else, who wasn't as funny as the first too. I was disappointed with that. I thought that he should have been funnier but he wasn't. He gave 50 dollars to the person with the worst tattoo. Me, being in love with my two tattoos didn't go up on stage. There were people with waldo, a cow, a stick figure and some other things. The girl that won had the cow tattoo on her butt. Shortly after his bit. The two guys that were on before came back on and did a trivia show. I watched as people went up, said the right answer and got a price. At one point, someone really wanted to go up on stage, so he just jumped up there while they were looking for someone. I loved the show. It was hilarious. I will definitely be going to it again next year.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Investigating Blogs

I was looking online for blogs to look at and read. I came across two that were really interesting to me that I thought I would share with you. I love to bowl and I came across a bowling blog. This blog talks about bowling balls, shoes, bags and much more. It has great information on lots of things related to bowling.

Another blog I found was a firefighting blog. It talks about 9/11 and forest fires, pretty much anything related to firefighting. There are great pictures and videos.

These are two things that I did while I was in middle school and high school. I started bowling on the youth league in my town in middle school and stopped after my senior year in high school, not by choicce but because of the fact that I was no longer considered to be a youth. But I still love to go bowling every now and again. I started in the East Hampton Volunteer Fire Department in May of 2006 amd ended shortly after my senior year was over. I didn't have the time to do it anymore. I held the secretary and tresurers spot for two and a half years and the captians postion for six months.

I wish I had more time to do these things, but even if I did I live to far away. These blogs are great and if you are into either of these topics you should look at these blogs. Check out the pictures and the videos and read about all the information on the topics given.


Tick Tock...Times up

Time management is a skill that every college student needs to master, it won't come over night, it takes time to figure it out.

We all often practice procrastination because we don't want to do homework when we can be off doing something else. I write my blogs on Thursdays because on Fridays after class I get picked up and brought home, every week. You might say well you have til Saturday night still, because you can use your parent's computers. You would be right, except for the fact that during the weekend I am usually spending time with them or at my boyfriend's house, which leaves me with no time to write a blog after class on Friday.

In order for people to not procrastinate all the time, we need to see what we do in the day and if there are blocks of time where we are doing nothing or spending way too much time on the Internet or in front of the television, then we can use that time to do other things like homework or cleaning. Some ways you can find out how much extra time you use for other things instead for homework or house cleaning could be, write down everything you do for a week or two (times included) and analyze what you do versus what you need to do or you can not use any electronics for the day.

However you choose to figure out how much extra time you have is up to you. But every person, never mind just college students should learn how to do this.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hated then LOVED

My eighth grade language arts and reading teacher and my social studies teacher, both put me in level on english and history because they thought I would do well seeing as I did well in their classes.

The first day of classes at the high school was so confusing. There were yellow, blue and green lockers. Some were big enough to put a person in and others were so small you could hardly get your backpack in it. There were brick walls and walls that looked like painted cinder blocks. During the next couple of weeks there would be people putting up posters, some bright and others black and white.

After a few weeks, it came time to write our research papers. But instead of this being just for my history class, it was also for my english class. After I wrote my first draft, I had my history teacher, Mrs. M, look at it for me. She marked up my paper with the things that I needed to fix and as she marked it up, she told me how I should fix it.

I went home that night to fix my paper just the way she said I should. I printed out two copies to bring to school the next day. I gave one copy to Mr. Dunn, my english teacher, to edit the grammar. I also gave a copy to Mrs. M to revise again. She told me that I did everything wrong. I asked what was wrong about what I did. She didn't give me a straight answer, she just kept saying that I did it all wrong. I didn't understand what she was talking about. I ended up with a C for a grade.

My sophomore and junior year, I was in level two english and history and I did just fine, but i hated to write. I would procrastinate with writing, even if I had to write two sentences. My junior year english teacher, Mr. Holloway decided to put my in level one and I agreed to it. I want the challenge again.

My senior year writing workshop (a required class) teacher was Mr. O'Donnell. He had a caterpillar moustache. He looks like Tom Selleck. His classroom was full of books and a fireplace. He had a huge crossword puzzle on his side board along with card of various artists.

During his class he would give us a topic to write about for a minute before changing it again. He would do this about ten times each time he did it. We would have to go home and write a creative piece about one of them.

Slowly with the more creative pieces that we did and with he way he corrected them, I began to like and then eventually love to write.

Miss You Poppy

A year ago today, my Poppy past away. I miss him very much, but I know that one day I will see him again.

I remember one thursday evening, I went downstairs to go visit with him while everyone else was upstairs visiting with Nana. When I went down there, he was sleeping. I sat on the bed next to his and watched him sleep. In his sleep, he was making noises. The noise he was making sounded like the noise little kids make when they are pretending to play with toy guns..."pew pew".

After work during the summer, I would get dropped off at Nana's. Poppy and I would be downstairs watching Judge Judy while Nana was off doing house keeping or cooking. He and I spent many hours watching it and now when I watch it I think of him.

These memories with never be forgotten along with the many more happy memories I have of him.

Rest In Peace Poppy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Outcasts United

Tonight as I listened to Warren St. John, author of Outcasts United, I become more intrigued with his book. Not only did he tell us about how he found this story, he also told as about his experiences and how Clarkston has changed.

He told us about this one little boy who thought he was rich. When he asked the boy why he thought that, he said because you have a different car all the time. He had to explain to the little boy how he rents the cars.

To the average American, things like this are normal in everyday live, but to a foreigner these things are bizarre and unknown. They don't understand how American society works. But to the average American, life without the things in our society is bizarre and we wouldn't know what to do. In most countries, what you see is what you get, but here there is a whole different aspect. We have the internet where everything from our finances to our social life is at our fingertips.

Not only to the refugees need to learn how to live and about American society, but Americans need to listen to and learn about the lives of the refugees.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Unstructured vs. Structured

"If the human brain seeks structure, then how do some live unstructured lives?"

What might look unstructured to an outsider, might be structured to the person. What do i mean by this? Someone might keep there room a mess, but they know where everything is. On the other hand people who keep things organized also know where everything is. My room used to be a mess, but I knew where everything was. Then my mom and dad made me clean my room before I left for college. But now that everything has a place, I don't know where everything is.
So people have there own method to how they keep there room, whether its clean, messy or some where in between. Some need the messiness, while others need to be neat and organized. If the room is messy to the point where no one can find anything then it is time to clean the room, but no matter how often a person who needs the messiness cleans their room, it will end up being the way they want it to be.

The images are from google images.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy." They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life."
When I first moved into my dorm, my mother, father and boyfriend were all helping me get things put away and getting me the last minute things. As they helped me, I thought to myself that I will be able to stay here by problem. Well little did I know that it wasn't going to hit me til when they were leaving. It wasnt as hard to say good bye to my parents as I thought it was going to be. But at the same time it was harder to say good bye to my boyfriend, which I thought would have been easier to do. After they had left, I went up to my dorm and cried for a little bit before I went to bed. Earlier today I found this quote and realized that this is true. Happiness is the meaning of life and that everyone should be happy. As the days go on at school, it becomes easier to live away from home. I do miss everyone, but at the same time I am learning from my new experiences. I had no doubt in my mind that I was going to stay here and as I push myself through it, I become less and less homesick.

This is me and my boyfriend in the middle of a game of horseshoes.

This is my family in front of my grandmother's garden.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


What is college? According to the dictionary college is an institution of higher education that grants degrees. But college is much more. It has many elements such as, academics, social, and personal. Each has its own accomplishments. In academics, I'm striving to do well in each of my classes, which are all different and full of different people, which makes making friends easy and difficult all at the same time.
What I mean by this is, I either have a class three days or two days out of the week. With each class having different people, I can meet many new people, but at the same time I dont see the same people everyday so it makes it hard to make friends. A cool thing is that these new friends are from all over the place, so along with making new friends, I get to learn about different towns or cities, along with other cultures. To me learning about different areas is so interesting. I love to find out differences between places and learning about new things that are interesting.
The personal element comes in with students doing their own thing and adding character to the campus, through art or expressing their beliefs. Everyone is different and each person adds to the campus life in one way or another. I want to accomplish something this year to add life to the campus. I was thinking about possibly starting an amateur radio club, but we shall see what I decide to do.

So college has many aspects. Its not just an institution that grants degrees.