Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Its been so long

Last Thursday, my Grandparents, my Dad and myself went to Manchester, NH to go to the Hungarian restaurant. My Grandfather, my Dad and I all had the beef goulash and my grandmother had the sauerkraut goulash. It was so delicious. For dessert, we all had something different and shared with each other. I think the one that my Grandmother had was the best.

Afterwards, when everything was bought, my Grandmother and I went across the street to the store across the street. When we were there, we saw many different kinds of ornaments and other things. When we were in there, my Dad sent me a text to ask me how much longer we were going to be. In the process of answering him, the lady that owed the store yelled at me for using my phone. She said that she doesn't allow phones in her store, yet she was on her phone and there was a blackberry right next to the cash register.

Christmas was a blast. We went over to my Aunt's house and we started to play our new wii games. We played Life, Clue, Yahtzee, Mario Brother's 25th anniversary and a few other games. It was a lot of fun.

Yesterday, I went to my parents friends house to help him move stuff out of his office so he can change the carpet in there. Well a lot of the big stuff which was left was moved by Billy and him, so I felt that I was in the way, so I went downstairs to play with their new puppy. It was a blast.

And today, I am babysitting my Aunt's four kids again. I love to babysit them. We are going to have fun.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Babysitting and Gingerbread houses.

Today I went to my aunt's house to watch her little one while she was out. So far we have watched Herbie and run aroud the house doing different things and eating snacks. She keeps walking over in front of the tv and just standing there watching the movie. She loves it and I love watching her do it.

The other day I went to my Grandparents house to make gingerbread houses. I really enjoyed this. My boyfriend came over and helped decorate the cookies too. After I was finished, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and saw Fridays paper. I picked up because I wanted to read it, but on my way out of the bathroom my Grandmother called me over. She asked me if I wanted to go on a mystery car ride on Thursday. I said sure and asked who else was going. They said just me, but later on I found out that they decided to invite my dad. I am excited to see where we are going. They said that I will enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Home At Last

I am finally home. I can't wait to see everyone. I have already seen my parents and one of my sisters, but I have yet to see my other two sisters and my brother. I got to see my dog and I found out that he cries everytime everyone leaves in the morning. I get to spend tomorrow by myself, but oh well. I can't wait to spend time playing games with my siblings.

Now that finals are over for me, I can relax and not worry about much. I am so excited.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I went to my wellness final yesterday and I think I did good. This final was just like everyother test I have taken. After that final yesterday I came back and did my video, which I was so happy to finish and finally post it up on the blog. And now I am studying for two exams tomorrow, theatre and geography. I don't think I am going to have a problem in geography, but studying for theatre is possing to be a problem. I can't seem to focus on the material. It doesn't interest me. I keep trying to get through it, but it seems like it is taking me forever to read through a few pages. I hope that it will get easier soon. I still want to have some time to pack up some of my stuff tonight, so I don't have to rush after my exams tomorrow.

I can't wait to leave for the break. I want to spend time with my family and my boyfriend. I hope to have some kind of fun everyday. I already have a busy saturday.

Well I should get off and start studying again. Hopefully, it will get easier to study at some point, but the music and the phone calls from the roommate aren't helping me any. I just can't seem to get away from the distractions. Oh well, I guess I am going to have to force myself to get through it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Final Assessment

This semester was great. I learned about different things and about myself. The classes themselves weren’t very hard, but they needed a lot of study time. In high school, I never studied. I would understand and retain everything, but I knew that in college I would have to change my study habits. I studied in my room just about everyday and I went home on the weekends. I quickly learned that I haven’t made time for my new friends.

As the semester went on, I tried to make room for them and slowly it started to happen. This one weakness was finally starting to turn around. I went from only talking to people in class too having dinner at least once a week with a friend. Now I study with my friends and have meals with them too. I have been to a friend’s house for dinner with my boyfriend. It was a blast. We talked and watched television afterwards.

I haven’t quit studying. I have just cut it down some and it has seemed to work for me. I have still kept up my grades and have done my homework. I enjoy going to my classes and learning about different things. I don’t enjoy taking notes but that happens to be part of studying. This is because if I don’t take notes then I have nothing to study off of. This would make it nearly impossible to try to study. I would have to always ask someone for their notes right before the exam and even that wouldn’t do me any good. They might not let me see their notes and even if they did I wouldn’t have enough time to learn all of the facts.

I feel that I have grown as a person. I am still quiet and socially awkward. But I have learned to make sure that I do make friends. I don’t want to go through college without any friends, especially when I need help with homework or there is a partner assignment. I enjoy going to school down here even though I am away from my family. I still get to see them on the weekends. I don’t see them every weekend. I think next semester, I am going to try to see more of them on the weekends and try to get a good mix between my friends and my books.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Next semester, I would like to make new friends. I am going to keep my old ones, but I would like to have a few more friends then what I have now. I am going to try to keep the same study habits. I have gotten good grades in all of my classes and I would like to keep that up. I need to make sure that I keep my GPA up so I can stay in my major.

I think that next semester is going to be easier then this semester and I am going to make goals as I need them. As for right now I don't feel that I need anymore goals. But if and when I decide that I need another one I will be sure to make one.

Successes and Failures

One of my strengths was being prepared for college. In high school, we talked a lot about college, not just who was going where for what major, but about what it was going to be like. In the beginning for my senior year, I would talk to my friends as if college was so far off even tho we were waiting to hear back from the schools to see if we were accepted. But towards the end we started to talk more and more about what college was going to be like and how hard it was going to be.

But this was also my failure. I thought I was ready because of all of talking on how we needed to study and make sure that our studies came first. I have been doing that, but my social life isn't great. We never talked about making new friends. Yea, it was assumed that we would make more, but my friends and I swore that we would still talk to each other. Well that didn't work out so well. This was one of the worst blows that I have had since I got here. I miss my high school friends so much and because I am also doing something for class, I hardly ever have time for my new friends. I am trying to make that work. My friend Lyndsay and I have sat in the library and done homework together. She told me how she is thinking about living on campus next year and if she does we might room together.

So I have learned that even though we each have failures, there is always something good that comes out of it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Two Classes...Same Group Of People???

My English and Inquiry class is consisted of the same group of people. I like this. It was easy to make friends and get to know everyone. I made a good friend, her name is Lyndsay. She and I hang out outside of class and do homework or talk about things, such as family. I am going to miss everyone next year. It was fun while it lasted, but all good things have to come to an end. This semester went by so fast. So while I got to know everyone at the same time I did, but that is what happens. I enjoyed the time that we had together and I hope to continue on with some of the friendships. I will have to wait and see how things will go next semester, but I hope I will still have time to hang out with them.

My Ideal Life

If I were to graduate college tomorrow, this is how I would like my live to go. I would like to get a job at Center Elementary School, which is in my hometown. Shortly after, I would like to get married and move out of state, possibly Vermont. It has to be somewhere with a great view. But of course, I would have to get another job. I would love for it to also be at an elementary school. After my husband and I get a place of our own, I would like to have three or so children. With these children, I would show them that family is the most important thing in live, well it is in mine anyways. I am not sure what else I would like to do with my life. But I guess I will take each battle one at a time.