Thursday, November 4, 2010


Last night, I went to the mock car accident that the school put on. Before the accident started someone had told us what had happened. It was about two girls who wanted to go out partying and another group of friends that did the same thing, but none of them made it home. They got into an accident, two people had died, two were unconscious and one was a little bruised up.

After the accident, we all went back into Wilkinson Hall and listened to Michelle Bassi tell her story about what happened to her grandparents and parents one Christmas. After we listened to her story, we listened to other student come up and tell their stories. I wanted to get up and tell my story, but I couldn't. It was too stressful when it happened and I really don't like talking in front of a big group of people which would have made it even more stressful. After open mike was over, I waited to be able to talk to Michelle. I told her my story, which made the whole situation less stressful.

Talking about things, whether it be with someone close to you or with someone who has gone through similar things helps. Someone who is close to you will be willing to listen and hopefully be sympathetic, but someone who has gone through something similar, could tell you how they deal with things and possible give you ideas on how to help yourself. I personally can't always talk to someone who has gone through the same thing, but when I can I take every minute that I can to better understand how I can help myself.


  1. (((hugs))) I didn't realize you were still so affected by losing your least I'm assuming that's what you're talking about....hope your chat with Michelle helped ease your mind at least a little.

  2. I acctually halped a lot. Michelle was very understanding about everything. I think it was more of the fact that everyone was talking about their stories and everything was so emotional.
