Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Roommate Troubles

In the beginning of the semester, my roommate and I didn't get along well. She would do things that would make me so angry. For example, one night she lent her math book to some guy (she didn't even who his name). She told him where exactly our room is, so he could return the the book later. Well at 2 o'clock in the morning, this guy is in my room trying to return the math book. She left the door unlocked. I wanted to yell at her and ask her what she was thinking, but I didn't I held my temper and I asked her to not give out information like that, because not only does she live here but so do I.

Another night she and her boyfriend were having problems, so she was yelling at him while I was trying to sleep. I have been woken up time after time because of this. I had to ask her to leave the room to talk to him because she didn't have any respect for me.

We have gotten along recently, but I don't know if it is going to last. I hope it does.

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