Thursday, November 4, 2010

Grade Inflation at its Best

I missed class on Tuesday because I was sick. I was looking through the blogs of the students that made it to class to see what sort of things they talked about in class about grade inflation. I read Kristen's blog about grade inflation. I agree that grade inflation isn't fair to outside students. The students that go to these colleges that inflate the grades probably don't think much of it, except for the fact that it will make their resume look better then other students that will be applying for the same job in the future. But these other students earned their GPA fair and square. They didn't have their college add and additional .333 to their GPAs. The students that go to the colleges that do this, will probably get the job because of their higher GPA, but they didn't earn it, it was given to them. And the students that earned their grades will be shown the door, but in reality they will be better.

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