Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Final Project

I have gotten the video outlined pretty much the way I want it. I found some Hungarian music to use and I think its good. I have yet to interview my grandfather or my cousin but hopefully that will happen soon.

I would like to know if the Hungarian music is a good touch to it and also I'm not exactly sure what to ask my cousin. I want to talk about where the country is right now. Any other suggestions are welcomed.

Roommate Troubles

In the beginning of the semester, my roommate and I didn't get along well. She would do things that would make me so angry. For example, one night she lent her math book to some guy (she didn't even who his name). She told him where exactly our room is, so he could return the the book later. Well at 2 o'clock in the morning, this guy is in my room trying to return the math book. She left the door unlocked. I wanted to yell at her and ask her what she was thinking, but I didn't I held my temper and I asked her to not give out information like that, because not only does she live here but so do I.

Another night she and her boyfriend were having problems, so she was yelling at him while I was trying to sleep. I have been woken up time after time because of this. I had to ask her to leave the room to talk to him because she didn't have any respect for me.

We have gotten along recently, but I don't know if it is going to last. I hope it does.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Delicious Food

Food at thanksgiving is so delicious. I love the turkey, the mashed potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie and all the other desserts that come along with Thanksgiving dinner. I was looking for recipes for pumpkin pie (I have been wanting to make one for a while), and I came across a website that has a few recipes. They all seem so good and I want to try some of them. The no bake turkey cookies seem like a fun treat to have after a Thanksgiving dinner. I would love to try some of these out and refresh my cooking skills. I haven't cooked since before I came to school, unless I was cooking pasta or the microwave.

I took a cooking class in high school. I loved it and it was so much fun. After we made it, we would eat it and give some of the leftovers to the teacher of our choice (that was my favorite part). I always liked to see what others outside of the class thought about the food that we worked so hard on. It always felt good when the teacher said that it was delicious.

I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner, not only for the food but also to see my family.

Friday, November 12, 2010


June of 2009, I was elected Captain of the East Hampton Junior Volunteer Fire Department. I wasn't to surprised that I got it, because the person that I was running against wasn't well liked. I had been in the Junior Fire Department since may of 2004. January of 2005, I became the secretary/treasurer of the Juniors, because no one wanted to do. I had done that job until I became Captain.I decided that before I was too old I wanted to hold the Captains position.During my time as Captain, I tried to make sure that everyone else knew where everything was on the trucks and if they needed to go over it, I was available to help.

I enjoyed this experience. I felt like this was my time to try out being a leader again. I had been the president of CARLY (Connecticut Amateur Radio League of Youth) for a few years when I was younger. I enjoyed doing that but I was never able to do much, because of the adults. This experience was so much fun. I was able to help others and get the feeling of satisfaction for myself.

Most of the time that I was a junior that Captain was always a male. The Captain before me was a female and the Captain after me was a female. We have been done a great job and I think that since we have been doing it in the Junior Department that there will be a chance of having a female Captain in the Senior Department. I loved this experience and wish that I would have run sooner and had a longer term, but I don't regret having the six month term that I did.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where do you study?

I study at my desk in my room every day. I tried to study in the library once, but I wasn't able to concentrate with the doors being closed loudly or the random people walking by. One day I went down to the basement (in Wilkinson Hall), because I had heard people talking about it.

I went downstairs and there was this table in the middle of the room.

I have taken my books down there to study, because it is quiet and there aren't many people that go down there. I don't bring my laptop down there and if I do my computer doesn't have access to the wireless so I am able to work on my homework without the distraction of the internet.

"Think, think, think" ~Winnie The Pooh

Inquiry is a class where I have to think. Most of my classes this semester are really laid back. My wellness class, I basically just sit and listen and then before that test he goes over the study guide (which has the exact questions and answers on the test). In theatre and geography, I take notes and study those to get an A. English I have to think a little, but not nearly as much as I do in Inquiry. My professor asks us questions that really make us think to the point where the whole room in silent. With this class, I always have something to think about in class and for homework, but I also think about the things talked about in class out of class and even with my boyfriend. He and I have gotten some pretty good conversations.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I was in the basement studying earlier so I didn't disrupt my roommate, who was trying to sleep. I was down there for maybe fifteen minutes before two other people came down. I wouldn't normally have a problem with this, but these two people were being really loud and playing their music up loud and talking on the phone, but on speaker phone. After about another fifteen minutes, I had had enough. I couldn't focus on my studying. I have one test and two quizzes tomorrow that I have to study for. So now I am back in my room.

I don't understand how some people can be so loud if they can see that someone else is trying to study. Do the people my age know what courtesy is? I don't understand how the people my age act the way they do without common courtesy to others.

Grade Inflation at its Best

I missed class on Tuesday because I was sick. I was looking through the blogs of the students that made it to class to see what sort of things they talked about in class about grade inflation. I read Kristen's blog about grade inflation. I agree that grade inflation isn't fair to outside students. The students that go to these colleges that inflate the grades probably don't think much of it, except for the fact that it will make their resume look better then other students that will be applying for the same job in the future. But these other students earned their GPA fair and square. They didn't have their college add and additional .333 to their GPAs. The students that go to the colleges that do this, will probably get the job because of their higher GPA, but they didn't earn it, it was given to them. And the students that earned their grades will be shown the door, but in reality they will be better.


Last night, I went to the mock car accident that the school put on. Before the accident started someone had told us what had happened. It was about two girls who wanted to go out partying and another group of friends that did the same thing, but none of them made it home. They got into an accident, two people had died, two were unconscious and one was a little bruised up.

After the accident, we all went back into Wilkinson Hall and listened to Michelle Bassi tell her story about what happened to her grandparents and parents one Christmas. After we listened to her story, we listened to other student come up and tell their stories. I wanted to get up and tell my story, but I couldn't. It was too stressful when it happened and I really don't like talking in front of a big group of people which would have made it even more stressful. After open mike was over, I waited to be able to talk to Michelle. I told her my story, which made the whole situation less stressful.

Talking about things, whether it be with someone close to you or with someone who has gone through similar things helps. Someone who is close to you will be willing to listen and hopefully be sympathetic, but someone who has gone through something similar, could tell you how they deal with things and possible give you ideas on how to help yourself. I personally can't always talk to someone who has gone through the same thing, but when I can I take every minute that I can to better understand how I can help myself.