Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend Blues

This weekend started out good. after my job interview, I got picked up and went to dad's work. He dropped me off at home before he went to go pick up the boys, so someone was there when the guys working on the house were there. Bill came over while they were there to keep me company. I was excited to see him. Saturday, I was sick and didnt do much, except for staying in bed. Yesterday, I felt better but still felt a little sick. Before Bill brought me back to school, we went to my house and hung out for a little while. After I got to school, my dad called me to tell me that Uncle Chuck had passed away. I cried for a little while, I didn't know what to think. There wasn't anything that I could do. I didn't sleep well last night. I found out this morning that my dad is going with my Grandmother to California. I hope all goes well for my dad and Grandmother. RIP Uncle Chuck

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Job Interview

Tomorrow  I have a job interview for the desk attendent job that I applied for. I hope that I get. I think that if I try my best tomorrow, I will have a chance of getting it.

I finally most of my homework. I just have to read one chapter and start doing my research.

Last night, I went to the bible study again. I like going to them and learning, but last night after it was over it got really awkward. Two of the people started screaming at each other. I'm not exactly sure why, but I guess it was over something that happened a long time ago and one of them won't let it go. I feel bad for Rachel, she got stuck in the elevator with the two of them. But there was nothing that anyone can do about it. Hopefully everything works out for the best.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I got an e-mail today about the job I applied for. I have an interview on friday. I'm excited. I hope I get the job.

I decorated my dorm door.
I can't figure out how to turn it.

I finally finished my FAFSA, what a long process.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Been Busy

I have tried to come on and write a blog, but I have been so busy lately.

I made the dean's list, I am so excited. I am hoping to make the dean's list again this semester. I am starting to get involved with the Christian Fellowship and the Bible Study at Farnham. I enjoy it and I get to learn new things each week. I am hoping to keep up with this each week.

Bill got a job. He is working for Belltown Motors. So far this is just temporary, but if they think that he is good, they will send him to learn how to use the tow truck and he will have a permanent job. I hope this works out for him.

I have been trying to fill out my FAFSA, it is being difficult. I am stuck at this moment, but I'm so close to the end of it. Hopefully, I can make some sense of it soon.

I will try to write on here a little more often.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


School has been taking up a lot of my time. I wish I had more time to write on this, but I have so much reading to do. I have been staying on to of it, but it seems like every time I turn around there is more to read.  I love my class though. The only one that is a little difficult is Early Modern France. The professor talks fast and I don't really know what I should be taking notes on. The book is really dense and hard to read. He gives a lot of reading to us. This week I have to read 70 pages out of the book and nine two page articles online.

I finally finished the bracelet that I was working on. I'm not sure how long it will be before it gets stained.

Things at Southern are going good. I wish they would put a little bit of salt on the ice, but they haven't yet. I hope no one falls. The other day they widen the sidewalks, I forgot how wide they are.

I was planning on mot going home every weekend, but so far I have. The first weekend, I went home because Haley was in a play and I wanted to see it. It was really good. Last weekened, I came up for a birthday party and this weekend I am going home because I have a doctors appointment and Bill and I are going to celebrate Valentine's Day early. Next weekend I have off, I don't know if I am going to come up or not, but we will see.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What's new?

I know I haven't been on here in awhile, I have been busy with school work and such. I have managed to have one biology class. Apparently the professor didn't have this class on his contract, yet he was assigned to teach it. All of my classes are interesting, Early Modern France took a few classes to get interesting but we finally got there.

But the way the weather is going, I'm not sure if we will ever have a full week of classes. Monday was a full day, Tuesday the school closed early, Wednesday the school was closed all day and today the school had a delayed opening. So out of the four days that I should have had biology, I have only had it once. Hopefully, things will start picking up.

Last Thursday, I got engaged to Bill. I am so happy and so is he. We have already made a plan. The wedding won't happen til after college and same with starting a family.

My new roommate and I get along great. We have talked more then Lindsay and I ever did.

Yesterday when we woke up and tried to look out the window. That didn't work out so well. The window was covered in ice.

Later that day, Maura hit all of the ice off of the window and now the window is almost clear. There is a little bit of ice still on the window, but it is slowly melting.