Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Everyone has many of there own and as I listen to music, I think back to the ones that I shared with my family. These memories are filled with happy times that bring tears to my eyes. These are the memories that you wish never came to an end. I would love to go back and time and put everything in slow motion and take in all of the sights and happiness again. I know that isn't possible but a girl can wish right?

I will share one memory with you. This past summer I went to Hungary with my family, I remember the look on my Grandfather's face when we were all enjoying ourselves. His wish finally came true and we all enjoyed our time with him. The trip was amazing and I will never forget it. Thanks, Grampa!

Anyways, I want you to spend some time today remembering the good memories that you share with your family and friends and try to make a new soon.

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