Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

As of 3:45 this afternoon, I have been on Thanksgiving break, but I haven't gone home yet. I am waiting for my friend (who lives in the same town I do) to get out of class and we are driving home together. Originally I was going to go home tomorrow afternoon sometime, but I really wanted to go home earlier.

This trip should be fun. My friend and I have never done this before. I can't wait till she gets out of class.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


For Thanksgiving this year, I am making pumpkin pies. Last weekend I tried a gingersnap crust but I didn't like the way that it turned out; a little too soggy. I was thinking about making another one with a different recipe. I don't know if I am going to do that or if I am going to just make a plain pie crust.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Catching Up

When I was younger, we used to go to Vermont every year and I used to visit with my Godparents while we were up there. Well one year, they moved and we lost contact. But we found each other and I would go visit them and then a couple years ago, they moved again and once again I lost contact with them. My Mother had found my Godmother on Facebook. She and I are now friends. We did a little bit of catching up but not much and we don't have time to chat with each other. It hurts. I really want to sit down and talk to them I know I have changed so much, they probably have to. Maybe one day we could get together and sit down and talk. I love you.

At the Library

I go to the library at my school everyday that I am here. I have been meaning to take a look at the movies to  see if any of the new ones spark my interest, but every time I remembered that I wanted to do it, I had already left the campus. So this morning I told myself that I was going to look at the shelf. After walking in and out of the library three times already, I remembered to look on my way to the computer lab. I was going to just look at the shelfs first but I decided I might as well look at the new ones before everyone else does. As I was looking through them, there was a name on two of the movies and I decided that I was going to read the back. They both seem very interesting and by a Hungarian director. I am hoping to watch them this weekend.

Like any good borrower, I went to go check out the DVDs. I gave the person my card, he scanned and started to give it back and just as I went to grab it, he said hold on. So at this point I was thinking do I owe money? I thought I brought the other books back in time. He said that I have two accounts linked to the same ID number. I have no idea why I would have two and he doesn't either. But I guess that I can take out twice the limit of books now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Everyone has many of there own and as I listen to music, I think back to the ones that I shared with my family. These memories are filled with happy times that bring tears to my eyes. These are the memories that you wish never came to an end. I would love to go back and time and put everything in slow motion and take in all of the sights and happiness again. I know that isn't possible but a girl can wish right?

I will share one memory with you. This past summer I went to Hungary with my family, I remember the look on my Grandfather's face when we were all enjoying ourselves. His wish finally came true and we all enjoyed our time with him. The trip was amazing and I will never forget it. Thanks, Grampa!

Anyways, I want you to spend some time today remembering the good memories that you share with your family and friends and try to make a new soon.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I was just thinking about Peanuts when I realized Garfield is just as good.

Bitter Sweet

For over a year now, I have had to get my wisdom teeth taken care of. But with the old insurance, it was going to cost me more then an arm and a leg. But this new insurance will cover the whole thing. So last week I went to the office to meet with the oral surgeon and get his opinion. But he was out so I meet with the dentist that owns the practice. After an x-ray and a quick look he quickly agreed that they needed to come out.

After the appointment was over, I had to choose a date. I really want them out as soon as possible seeing as they bother me from time to time. So I told they lady as soon as possible and she said that she had an opening on Monday. Well Monday was just a little too soon. I have classes that I really can't miss. So I decided against it and said that I have classes until the 16th of December, so anything after that would be great. She said that she has an appointment open on the 21st. I jumped on it. I know that I probably could wait until after Christmas but I just want to take them out soon. So my Christmas this year will be bitter sweet.

More Peanuts