Thursday, September 22, 2011


I just took my first exam in Phonetics. I don't think I did good. I studied what she said was going to be on the exam, what she failed to mention that there were other things on the exam that she said were not going to be on the exam. I that I have learned my lesson to not listen to what the professor says about the exams, I will do better next time.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Last weekend I went to Maine with Bill and his family. On saturday we left at seven in the morning to make it to Caitie's soccer game at noon. After we went to dinner with his family and stayed to night. In the morning, we went to go watch four of the boys play football. Even though they lost it was a good game. (The boys on the other team were much bigger then these boys.) And then had a barbeque. I had a lot of fun and being able to put faces to names was the best part of it. When I was there I felt welcomed and accepted. I can't wait to go up again.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Miss You

This is my Grandparents. 2007 PCR Photographics

If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane, I’d walk right up to Heaven And bring you home again. ~Author Unknown

Tomorrow makes two years since my Poppy past on. I miss him so much and even sitting here in the library, I'm trying to hold my composure. R.I.P. Poppy. I love you and miss you so much.

Same Old, Same Old

I really want to write about something new and exciting, but there isn't anything to write out. I go to school everyday and pretty much the same thing happens every week. I am hoping to find something new and exciting to write about shortly but until then I don't know what to write about. I don't get much homework other then reading, so I can't put up my homework questions. HAHA. Anyways I hope everyone that reads this blog is doing well and I will be sure to put some new and fun things on here as soon as I get something.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My New Job

This week I have been trying to catch up on my reading and read what is supposed to be done for Monday, so reading is my new job. This weekend I was invited to go to Maine to watch a soccer game. I really want to go but I don't want to have to do my homework and I don't want to save it for later. I know I would never ever get to it.

I wanted to finish reading chapter 2 and read 3, 4 and 9 in my psychology book and finish chapter 2 and read 4 in my communication disorders and sciences book, along with reading more stories for my english class. So far I have read chapters 2, 3 and 4 in my psychology book, chapter 2 and half of 4 in my communications book and most of the stories. I am on a role. I hope to complete these tomorrow while I wait around for my classes. Looks like there will be no reading for me this weekend.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


According to the school for every hour in class you should be doing two hours of work our of class. I have 16 credit hours. So that means I should be doing 32 hours of homework outside of the class room. Well that doesn't leave much time for me to relax. There are 168 hours a week, 32 of those hours are homework and 16 are for class that leaves me with 120 hours. I sleep 7 hours a night, which is 49 hours a week. This leaves me with 71 hours a week. But I also have to eat, make a lunch, ride to school and personal hygiene. Lets say it take 20 minutes for breakfast, 30 minutes for lunch and 45 for dinner every day. That's an hour and 35 minutes a day.  Let's also say that I spend about 25 minutes at night showering and brushing my teeth. It take me about an hour to get ready in the morning and an hour driving time during the day. This leaves me with 68 hours a week. But I also have to work and walk to all of my classes. I work 7 hours a week and about three hours a week walking to class and work. All of this leaves me with 64 hours a week, which is about 9 hours day to socialize and have time to relax each day.

Even though it says I have 9 hours a day. It sure doesn't feel like it. I feel like my head is always in a book. Hopefully these nine hours will find me soon.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

College...Sophomore Year

So far school has been going good. I am enjoying seeing all my friends again. My classes on the other hand are crazy. Each class has me reading entire chapters for the next class. This wouldn't be so bad if it was one or two but all of them is getting to be a little much. I find myself reading before and after class and still falling behind on the readings for one of my classes. I hope this weekend I can catch up and hopefully read more then I need to and try to stay ahead of the readings.

The professors are really interesting until they get angry. My psychology teacher blew up at one student yesterday. He was talking while she was talking and she told him that she made it perfectly clear last week that she isn't going to say it again. About twenty minutes later, the same student was talking and she told him that if he was going to talk again then she was going to throw him out of class for the rest of the day. I understand that she is the teacher and those are her rules, but when she was talking to this kid for the second time, she was yelling across the room. I sit in the front row (so its easier for me to pay attention), so her loud voice partically made my ears ring and the same thing happens when she gets overly excited about a certain topic within the class. I hope that things with quiet down as the year goes on.

Work on the other hand is getting crazy. The other day, I was trying to scan a license in, so someone could go upstairs. The scanner scanned in all of the information but not the picture. I made sure that the person was the same person as the license and clicked the sign in button. I then preceded to go click on the report error button so someone could come fix the scanner. Just as I was about to click the button the whole program closed. I tried to reopen it but I couldn't find it on the computer, the only thing I could open was an internet site. I called my supervisor because I had no idea what to do and she said that she was going to call someone to help me. A few minutes later, the help desk called and said that they were going to take remote access of the computer. He couldn't fix it that way and told me that he would  be over it twenty minutes. During this time, I thought that I should just shut it down, but this computer isn't mine and I have no idea how to get back on it after it rebooted. Eventually Brett from the help desk showed up and turned the computer off and rebooted it. It has worked fine every since. Hopefully, this will never ever happen again.

New Adventures with Email

"If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.  ~Linda Sunshine"

Recently, one of my cousins has gotten an email account. Yesterday when I was checking my email her older sister had emailed me, after I responded she decided that that we should chat instead of email back and forth. It was going good until her younger sister decided to join in to. That was alright until I started to ask one of them questions and after they answered the other one would say I already knew that, but of course I was the one asking the questions because I didn't know or I would ask about something that they like to do and if they are still doing it and of course they still are and say that they are getting good at it and still taking lessons. Her sister, on the other hand would disagree and say your not taking lessons...what ever I don't care about the piano. This reminded me of the sisterly love that every set of sisters share. Too bad I wasn't doing it with my sisters.

Who knows what other adventures I will have with these two through chatting online.