Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Its been awhile

Sorry for the lack of facts. I have been trying to get on but it never seems to happen. I have been busy these last few weeks with the last of the school work. This week is finals week and so far I am more then half way done. Last week, I had my Fit For Life Final, which was really easy and I found out that I have an A in that class. Yesterday, I took my US History II final. I believe that I did good, but I have not recieved a grade for that yet. Today, I took my bioloigy final. That was a disaster. Last night, my roommate and I spent the evening studying for it. We both thought that we would do good. But apparently our professor thought that it would be okay to put questions on the exam about stuff that he didn't go over. I finally finished my english essay for my exam tomorrow, so I only have to study for one more exam.

I can't believe that this week is going by so fast. I hugged one of my friends good bye today. I will miss her but I will get to see her next semester when we room together. I can't wait but for now I am glad that this semseter is almost over.

Yesterday I got a call from Marsella, she is the HR person at Bob's, she said that they want me to start on July 5th. I told her that I can't do that because I will be leaving the country on July 4th and coming back on the 13th. She told me that she will have to talk to someone and get back to me. I don't think that I will be working there this year. I am going to look for another job for the summer when I get back home. Hopefully I can find somewhere to work for more then 5 weeks. But for now I will have to relax. There isn't much I can do from down here.

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