Thursday, May 19, 2011

Freshmen Year Where Did You Go?

Even though I am still a freshmen because I don't have enough credits to be cconsidered a sophomore. I still consider myself a sophomore. I did my best this year and made many new friends. My new best friend, Lyndsay Lockhart and I will be rooming together next semester. I hugged her good bye yesterday, but I might see her at the concert this summer.

I had so much fun this year. Between my friends and the things that the school had planned, I was always doing something if I wasn't studying. My dorm room is starting to look empty now that we have started to move everything out. But this year was filled with new memories, and I hope to make more next year.

But for now I have to finish packing and I need to relax now that I don't have any more exams to study for. Some were easy and some were hard. But its all done (until next year). Can't wait to go home.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Exam

My last exam is tomorrow morning at 8 in the morning. I haven't been able to study my notes. I try but they just can't kkep my attention. I am going to do my best to study. Hopefully I can get some good study time in.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Its been awhile

Sorry for the lack of facts. I have been trying to get on but it never seems to happen. I have been busy these last few weeks with the last of the school work. This week is finals week and so far I am more then half way done. Last week, I had my Fit For Life Final, which was really easy and I found out that I have an A in that class. Yesterday, I took my US History II final. I believe that I did good, but I have not recieved a grade for that yet. Today, I took my bioloigy final. That was a disaster. Last night, my roommate and I spent the evening studying for it. We both thought that we would do good. But apparently our professor thought that it would be okay to put questions on the exam about stuff that he didn't go over. I finally finished my english essay for my exam tomorrow, so I only have to study for one more exam.

I can't believe that this week is going by so fast. I hugged one of my friends good bye today. I will miss her but I will get to see her next semester when we room together. I can't wait but for now I am glad that this semseter is almost over.

Yesterday I got a call from Marsella, she is the HR person at Bob's, she said that they want me to start on July 5th. I told her that I can't do that because I will be leaving the country on July 4th and coming back on the 13th. She told me that she will have to talk to someone and get back to me. I don't think that I will be working there this year. I am going to look for another job for the summer when I get back home. Hopefully I can find somewhere to work for more then 5 weeks. But for now I will have to relax. There isn't much I can do from down here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The semester is almost done. I can't believe it. I get out on the nineteenth of May. I am already starting to have to study and I have a final next week. This week is also gonna be a busy one. My group and I have a paper due tomorrow and I have a quiz to study for. I have plenty of other things to do but I can't think of any.

I went to the bookstore earlier and sold three of my books for $11.50. I hope to be able to sell some of my other books too. I am going to hold on to some of them seeing as they can help me next year also.

But for now, I need to get my paragraph done and emailed. It shouldn't take me too long to get it done but I keep procrasintating. Oh, well. Its time to get working.


I missed yesterday. I was really busy with school work and such. When I was finally finished, I decided that I wanted to relax instead of writing on here. So, here we are with todays fun facts.

The Bible, the world’s best-selling book, is also the world’s most shoplifted book.

In 1705, copper was discovered in Simsbury. Later, the copper mine became the infamous New-Gate Prison of the Revolutionary War. Doctor Samuel Higley of Simsbury started the first copper coinage in America in 1737.

In Hartford, you may not, under any circumstances, cross the street walking on your hands!

The Submarine Force Museum in Groton is home of the historic ship Nautilus (SSN 571). It is the official submarine museum of the United States Navy.

George Walker Bush was born in New Haven on July 6, 1946.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

One last fact for today...kinda depressing

The nursery rhyme "Ring Around the Rosey" is a rhyme about the Black Plague. Infected people with the plague would get red circular sores ("Ring around the Rosey"), these sores would smell very badly so common folks would put flowers on their bodies (inconspicuously), so that it would cover the smell of the sores ("a pocket full of posies"). Furthermore, people who died from the plague would be burned so as to reduce the possible spread of the disease ("ashes, ashes, we all fall down").

Facts of the Day

Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.

A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.

Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight

Hershey's Kisses are called that because the machine that makes them looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt.