Thursday, January 12, 2012


Once again I start another post with sorry. I know it has been awhile. I used to write these because my grandfather would always read them and remind me when I haven't posted in awhile. But now that he is gone, I don't get the reminders. I really miss him and the things he used to say. I will try to get into the habit of writing more often. We will see how that goes.


  1. Don't forget that your grandmother enjoys reading them, too. I really like them. Love ya

  2. Hey Victoria, this is probably the only way that I can know how things are going for you and what you are up to. Keep them up!!! Love Nana

  3. Thanks for the encouragement. I am really going to try. They are helpful for me. I don't always want to talk about things, but writting helps. Love you both!
