Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Creative Writing

I am going to try to keep you updated on what my creative writing assignments are, just in case you would like to try them also. Today, my professor gave us three assignments, right now I am going to share one with you and try to remember to share the other ones later.

Today we talked about the Willard Asylum, which was closed years ago and is now a rehab facility I believe. A man by the name of Jon Crispin has been working on the Willard Asylum Suitcase Documentation. Our assignment is to choose a picture (from Willard Suitcase Exhibit Online or Jon Crispin's Notebook or any other picture we find) of either a person or a suitcase and study it. Imagine that a complete stranger asked this person what he/she wants most in life. Use the persons voice to explain what they want and why. Consider the person's vocabulary, speech patterns, tone of voice, personal attitude, present state of mind, what they would want to share and what they are withholding. (Exercise from Point of View and Tone)

Feel free to try it out and comment with either your thoughts or your story. If you just want them for me to see please specify and I won't put them up for public viewing. I hope you have as much enjoyment on this project as I have already had.

Edit: By the way Kickstarter is a nonprofit organization that helps artists to fund their projects. Check it out!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


You may be wondering why the title is in all capital letters and has more then one exclamation point at the end. Well keep reading and I will tell you.

Each semester I start off on track with homework but always end up behind schedule. So, I decided that this semester I would start ahead of schedule. Right now I have no homework because I finished it and the next assignment already. With this busy schedule, I have to make sure I stay ahead or at least on schedule. We will see how this goes.

Monday, January 23, 2012

I am trying

This semester has just started up again and we are on our fourth day of classes. I am really going to try to write on here every day, I know I have made that promise before, but I really really mean it this time. This is my online journal, that I share with each and everyone of you.

I had my first assignment in creative writing. It was really difficult. You might be thinking how on earth could creative writing be that difficult. Well let me fill you in. We had to take the name of someone we love and pretend that the letters in their name were the only letters in the alphabet. We then had to make up as many words from that name as we could, mind you we were able to use the letters how ever many times we wanted for each word. Then we had to write a story about 300 words using only the words that we made from the name. Try it. It didn't sound that hard when she explained. If you try it tell me how it went, leave a comment. I will enjoy reading about your thoughts on it.

This morning I tried to print it but the computer wasn't commuicating with the printer, so I had to send it to myself through an email. As I went to type my email address in, my Grandfather's email address popped up and memories of the emails that he would send me and the birthday cards came flooding into my mind. It made me smile. Things are getting better slowly and I think I am going to start reading his book again. I feel like it is the right time. He and I will never be able to talk about it, but that was the one thing he wanted me to do and I never did it, so even though it is too late, I am going to make an effort to read it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Once again I start another post with sorry. I know it has been awhile. I used to write these because my grandfather would always read them and remind me when I haven't posted in awhile. But now that he is gone, I don't get the reminders. I really miss him and the things he used to say. I will try to get into the habit of writing more often. We will see how that goes.