Thursday, October 27, 2011

What A Week

So today is already Thursday and I have no idea where the week went. I have had three tests and two quizzes and I feel like the week has just started. I can't believe that it is already almost over. I hope the weekend goes by a bit slower. I want to have some time to just sit down and relax and try to figure out where the week went.

I hope everyone has a gret weekend!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Amazing Finds

Two weekends ago I went to a Powwow with Bill. While we were there I was looking around at all of the different vendors. I saw these two dolls and immediately I loved them, but I thought to myself I really shouldn't get them. I am running out of space to put my doll collection. But after walking around for a while I thought to myself I can't leave them here. So I bought these dolls. I am not sure how old they are or what they were used for but I do know that the newspaper that mad ethe body was from the Boston Harold on January 9, 1938.

Of course I thought after these dolls, I couldn't possibly find anything else soon that was really interesting. But once again I proved myself wrong. I was cleaning all of the dust of off my bureau and while I was cleaning it off I found a few things on the bottom shelf, where the drawers sit. I pulled out a staple and some wood shaving and S&H stamps. There were six of them worth 10 points each. I called my grandmother to ask her about them because this bureau used to be hers. She seemed surprised that they had lasted this long. They were from the 60s. I am hoping to be able to show her these sometime soon.

And of course I will try to post pictures of these two things on a later date.

AHH...What a Change

This weekend I switched rooms with the boys. I used to share a room at home with one of my sisters but things happened and she decided that she doesn't want to live at home anymore. But seeing as I live with my Aunt during the semester because it is closer to school, I am not home during the week. So this weekend I changed from a garage sided bedroom to the smallest room in the house.

Before the boys could move their stuff into my room, I took everything out of my room and vaccumed and washed the carpets. All of my stuff was in the living room, my old room (my bureau) and in the family room. I decided that I wanted to paint my new room a different color seeing as it matched the rest of the house. I was going to paint it the lavendar that my sister and I were going to paint our room, but when I was looking at the paint my parents bought years ago, I realized that this paint was for exteriors. So we went to Wal-mart saturday night I took my time trying to find the color I wanted to paint my room. I was going to go for lavendar but then I started to look at different color greens. I really wanted the minty green a little lighter but the person at the desk wouldn't make it lighter so I went with sensuous pear. I love this color.

On Sunday, I painted my room and moved the big items into the room. The bed frame was in the room the whole time we were painting so I just had to move it to where I wanted it. I brought up my mattress and the futon mattress and pillows. I waited for one of the boys to help me bring up the frame for the futon and the boys brought up my bureau after I brought up the drawers. In order for the bureau to come upstairs we had to take the mirror off because one side didn't stay one. Dad put a little bit of wood glue on it and hopefully nest weekend I can move it to where I want it to be.

I will post pictures next week after I finish moving in.


I have this great intention to come and write on my blog everyday, but school work and things I have planned to do at home don't always allow me to come and write. This week, for example, I have two quizzes and three tests. I have been trying to get on here and write about something that happens but there just doesn't seem to be time. I will try to get on here at least once a week. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with it.

But anyways here is what I really wanted to write on here. I love it when people stare. On my way to the library this morning, I was walking through one of the academic buildings and there was a group of people sitting in the hallway. One of these people was a male wearing an FDNY job shirt. As I started to walk through the group, he looked up and was staring at me, probably because I am wearing my HNFD sweatshirt, but who knows. It was just so obvisous, it was actually funny.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I know, I know it's been a while

Sorry I haven't had the time to write on the blog. I have been really busy with appointments and such. Lately I have done a lot of studying and work. Being a full time student takes away a lot of my free time. I hope to be able to write on this more often. We will see how this works. While I wish I had time to tell you more of what is going on with my life but I have to read another 54 pages and study for an exam later. Wish my luck!