Thursday, March 31, 2011

Short Week

I feel like I returned to school yesterday, but in all reality I came back four days ago. I have no idea where this week went, but it sure has been busy, filled with homework and class. This is the first time all week besides sleeping that I have been able to relax.

Besides my homework and classes, I did manage to go to the special education department to talk about possibly majoring in that also. I am not sure that I am going to do it, I want to but I am afraid that it will be too much work. I still have a little bit of time to think about it.

Besides it possible being too much work, I am not sure that it will be easy for me too do. I thought that my biology class was going to be easy. We took our first exam today. There were questions on the exam about stuff that we never went over in class. I don't think that I did as good on it as I hoped Iwould because of this. But hopefully tonight will take my mind of this.

I cant wait for it. It's going to be a fun night for a hard week. Patch Adams is coming to Southern. I can't wait to see my parents and Bill too. I hope that this is well worth it. Only a few more hours left.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break

So far Spring Break has been good. But it's Wednesday, I can't believe that Spring Break is almost over. O well. Hopefully, summer comes justas fast. I can't wait for the family trip. In a little bit, I will be on my way to lunch with David. I have no idea where we are going and he probably doens't have a clue either. It's usually something that we figure out on the way out. Well anyways, my ride is here.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break

On Thrusday, Dad picked me up from school. That night I went to Bill's house, because we had plans for that night and then yesterday he and I went shooting.
This is an inch in diameter. I shot this with a .22 long rifle open sights and about 35 yards away.

Today, I am going to Dillon's (Bill's cousin) birthday party. I can't wait. There is supposed to be a big bonfire.  I don't know what I am going to do for the rest of the week. I might be going out with David on Wednesday for lunch. But other then that all I have to do is read a book for one of my classes. Let the break begin.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Congrats Dad

Yesterday, my Dad took his test to get his CDL A. I thought that he would pass, but he seemed kind of nervous the night before. Well anyways he passed.

Congrats, Dad

Can't wait til Spring Break

Spring break is the week of my birthday and it can't come soon enough. Things have been going so fast and crazy, I just need time to wind down. Spending time with the family and Bill is what I need. No homework would also be nice, but I didn't get that lucky. Professor Keylock (my english professor) gave us homework. Even though he told us that he doesn't like to give homework over spring break. Well then I don't understand, if you don't like to give homework over spring break then why are you giving the class homework over spring break. We, as a class, didn't get a real answer. He told us that he is giving it to us because it is just a small amount of work.

Two more days, Spring Break, here I come.

Desk Attendent

Last night I went into my email to send an email to one of my professors. I realized that I recieved an email that I didn't see earlier. I saw the subject and instantly got nervous. It was about my job interview for the desk attendent. When I was at the interview, I was told that we would have found out either way. I thought to myself that the only way I was going to find out was if I opened it. I opened the email and the first word I saw was Congratulations! Instantly I exhaled and was excited. But just because I got the job now doesn't mean that I will have the job after August, it depends on how well I am through training. So my fingers are crossed and I hope that I can keep this job. I will do my best.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Counting Down to my Goal

I have been trying to lose weight and have been seeing the dietician on campus. I have lost three pounds in one week. I hope to keep this up.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Getting somewhere

Yesterday I met up with some of the members of my group to work on our English paper. We got all of our notes and hopefully we will be able to start the paper today. We are meeting up at the library at noon.

I finished my Early Modern France paper with morning. I am so glad that I got that out of the way. This way I can focus on my English paper next week and focus on my studying this weekend. I have to study for my Biology lab exam on Monday. Hopefully I will have enough time to do that and go to the variety show tomorrow night. I can't wait to see my sisters perform. I also finished revising my other English paper, so I can hand that in on Monday also. I just can't wait to get everything done and over with. Hopefully by doing one thing at a time I can get everything done. I don't want to get to stressed over everything and not be able to study or write the papers.

Anyways, on a lighter note, I can't wait to go home this weekend. I really wanted to go home on Sunday night. I'm glad I decided to stay here though. I wouldn't have known about most of these things if I did. This weekend I am going to relax and not worry about anything but studying. I have to get a good grade.

But I have to go now. My group members should be here soon. I need to get everything ready so I can type out our paper.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Lately I have been on overdrive. I have gotten a lot of homework to do. I have to study for one thing or another and write papers for this class or that one. Today I have to meet up with some people in my group about our English paper. There are four of us in a group and we are all writing one paper together. I also have to write a research paper for Early Modern France, which is due the day after my English paper is due.

This weekend, I want to go see the talent show that my sisters are in, but I still have to make some time to study for my exam on Monday. I don't know how I am going to get all of these things done. Hopefully I can. I have been disconnecting my computer from the internet, but that doesn't always work, because I have to figure out some information for my research paper.

I should get going though, I need to finish my paper. I want to get it done before I get picked up tomorrow.