Friday, October 29, 2010

Grades...uh oh

So the other day, I went to look at my midterm grades online. I wasn't sure what to expect for grades in some of my classes, but the other ones I knew what they should have been. This semester, I am taking Wellness, Theatre, Geography, English and Inquiry. I was hoping for at least a B in all of my classes, but I knew that I was doing well in some of my classes, so I expected higher grades. My lowest grade was a B-. I was so happy when I found that out. But of course, I am going to try really hard to make that B- go up. My study habits are easy and its working for me. I am just going to have to work a bit harder to make that one grade go up.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wilk Halloween Party

Today was the first college "party" that I went to. It was the most boring thing that I have ever gone to. There were maybe twenty people there when I got there and even less when I left twenty minutes later. I'm not going to let this one experience ruin the rest for me, but I will think twice before going alone again. Maybe next time, I will have a little bit more fun.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Inflation of Grades??

Some colleges are inflating their students GPA by .333. How is this far to the other students who are competing for the same job and they don't get it because their GPA was lower then the student who went to a college who inflated the grades? I will tell you how. It isn't. The students who work hard for their grades deserve the good grades and those who slack deserve the grade they earned not one that is given to them. This could mean the difference between a 3.2 and a 3.5. There is a big difference there, don't you think?

Other schools are simply eliminating D and F's. The students that go here cannot fail. If they don't do the work and don't study, they will still get a C and pass to continue to go through school. What isn't fair for these students is that when they go to college and do the same thing they did in high school and they fail. They aren't going to know why, because what they were doing in high school got them to pass and continue on to the next grade. But it doesn't work like that in college. You have to do the work in order to continue to go to school and pass classes.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Midterm Project

I did my midterm video on geniuses. I did all the voice overs, sorry but there are no video clips.

I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sibling Night

I am so excited for this weekend. This weekend is homecoming and part of homecoming there is sibling night. My ten year old sister has been wanting to spend the night down here for some time now. But she hasn't been aloud to because of her age. This weekend she is going to come down and spend the night and go to "Bye Bye Birdie" with my grandparents, my boyfriend and myself. I can't wait to spend this weekend of fun and games with her. I hope that we have a blast, but of course there are no guarantees that everything that is supposed to or wanted to happen is going to happen, but we are going to make the best of the weekend.

This is my sister and I having a good time with the webcam on my laptop.

Peer Mentor: good or bad...hmm??

The peer mentor in my class makes us think about things that my professor probably wouldn't do. I enjoy her coming into the class and working with us. The first class that she spent with us, people were really rude and she told them that they could leave. Quite a few of them did leave, but some of us did stay, she told us about herself and didn't expect us to tell her about ourselves. The second time she came in, she had us do a laughing exercise. It was so interesting and funny. I believe that she is a valuable asset to the class, not only to the students but also to the professor. She is a helpful tool for around campus and is also full of insight and knowledge at a student level. She is easier to relate to then the professors.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Did I make the right choice?

When I put in my application for Southern (and all the other colleges I applied to), I put my major down as Communication Disorders. I ultimately want to become a speech and language pathologist. I am on a five year plan for my Bachelors Degree and I still have to get my Masters Degree. I will be in school for a few years.

I choose this field because of my brother Phil.
This is a picture of my brother and myself from a few years ago.

When my brother was born he couldn't hear very well. When he was young, he had to have tubes put in his ears to drain the fluids. He went to school at an early age to get help with his speech amongst other things. As he got older, I thought it was amazing how his speech got better.

One day I was looking for different majors that I could go into and this one fell in my lap and I knew that this is something that I wanted to do. I want to work this elementary students in an elementary school. That is my ultimate goal. I don't like hospitals very much, so that wouldn't be the place for me. It would either have to be in a private practice or in a school. I can't wait to get out and do this job, but at the same time I want to make the most of my experience at college.

Fantastic Blog Posts?

What makes a good blog?

A good blog should engage the reader at the beginning, whether it is because of a picture or simply words. A good blog should have pictures and possibly a video. Each person has there on way of making a blog entertaining and captivating. People who bring their personality into a blog is very entertaining and makes a blog unique. But there are many other ways, such as putting pictures in between paragraphs or putting them at the end. Or changing the font or color of the words to add emphasis to the words. So as you can see there are many great ways to make a good (or possibly a fantastic) blog, if you try new things to see what works and what doesn't, you might happen to find something new and creative.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Midterm Project

I am doing my midterm project on genius. I am not quite sure where I want to go with it. I was thinking about doing something along the lines with 10,000 hours. I have been thinking about it but have not gotten very far. I am open to suggestions.

I have already thought about possible people to interview. But I am not really sure who I am going to interview yet, because I have not gotten the questions yet.

This project involves a video. I have made one in the past and thought it was lots of fun. I am excited about this aspect of the project. I enjoyed playing around with Windows Movie Maker and now I have a reason to play around with and learn new aspects of the program.