Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day...Take ONE

Today is my first day of class. So far I haven't had any classes yet. I have seen two of my friends and was talking to someone who could become another friend. But this morning after my aunt dropped me off, I decided that I was going to go to the student center to use the bathroom to wash my hands. I went to the bathroom and just as I was about to put soap in my hands, I hear "Attention, Attention, an emergency has been identified." So I walked out of the student center to go sit on the benches infront of Connecticut Hall. So far this day was horrible. I then waited for my friend to finish eatting breakfast so we could chat for a few minutes before she went to class. I hope this day gets better.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day...over

So the first day on the job was really boring. There wasn't much to do besides think. But I suppose that as soon as more people move in the days will be better.

First Day

Today I start my job on campus. I can't imagine what it is actually going to be like once I am actually sitting at the desk. I honestly can't wait to start, now that the training is over. I thought that was never going to end. Yesterday was the last training session. When I looked at the calendar it said it was going to be three hours. I thought to myself great this is just what I need to sit in a lecture for three hours. I went in and sat down only to hear that this session was going to be fun. I have heard this many times before and more time then not the session isn't fun at all. But this one was. There were activities and other things for us to partake in. I wish it could have been longer, we had to finish really fast. But now that I have learned everything, I can do my job to the best of my ability.

Monday, August 22, 2011

New Bed

Yesterday I moved into my Aunt's house to go to school. Last night was the first night sleeping in a new house. It was alright. I am not used to sleeping here. I even got up earlier then I usually do. This room gets a lot more light then I am used to. I am not quite used to the fact that I will be living here for a few months but slowly with time it will become better. I can't wait to see where this goes. As for now I have to get ready to go start training tonight at school for my new job.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Its Almost Time Again

This week is my last week in East Hampton. This weekend I am moving into my Aunt's house. Next week I have training for my new job and the week after I am starting my job and my classes. I can't wait to see my friends again but I don't want to leave home. Well here comes another new experience.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Adventures

This past weekend I have been house/animal sitting for Bill's Dad's Boss. The eight rabbits were easy to take care of as long as they weren't trying to get out of the cage. The dogs barked at just about everything (cars to thunder). One of the dogs didn't like it when there was another animal on the television screen. When there was one, he would run up to the television screen, jump on it and try to get the animal. After we found that out, we did our best to hold on to him. The cat and the dogs didn't get along well. The cat was probably the easiest animal to take care of. And then there was the horses. We had to make sure that they had water to drink. One day that we went down there, Bill and I decided to bring carrots down. One of the horses, we were told was aggressive, but when we were first down there, I didn't see how it was aggressive. This horse decided that because I didn't have any carrots left that he was going to bite me. He also doesn't let the other horses to drink water until he is done. Yesterday was our last day there. I came home last night so I can get another lesson today.

I have been learning how to drive. David has been teaching me. On the first day, I drove the tractor up and down the driveway and around the house. One of the gates only has an inch clearance. Out of the twenty or so times I went through it, I only hit it once. Then I went out on the road. I did alright, besides the fact that someone almost gave me a heartache. On another day, I drove to the 7 eleven in Moodus and parked for the first time. The car was between the lines and was straight. I did really good for the first time. Today I am supposed to go driving again, but I don't know when. David and I seem to make plans through Caroline, so when I asked what time, I didn't get an answer. Oh well for now. At least I'm not sitting home alone. Mom and two of my cousins are here.

When my two cousins walked through the door this morning, they came straight downstairs and didn't leave my mom's side. Tonka was in the family room. Chris really likes him after he warms up and Alyssa doesn't like him at all. So when Tonka got up to walk after mom she practically cried. I don't know if she is afraid of animals or just big ones.