Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day and like most towns and cities, my hometown has a parade and a small ceremony afterwards. This year like most years, I went down to the street corner and watched the parade with my Grandmother. Afterwards I knew I had to go get my sister in the center of town but I also wanted to go and listen to the ceremony. My Grandmother decided that she would like to go to seeing as she has never been to it before. It was bittersweet. Each Memorial Day they have the same few readings and the list of the veterans who have past on within the year. They read off and my Grandfathers name and there were some tears but afterwards there was plenty of happiness. My Grandmother had bought some flowers for my brother and one of my sisters. My sister and her friend took the flowers and walked back to the parking lot with them laughing and singing, making the day brighter. We have one more ceremony to go to at the cemetery and then a picnic at my Grandmothers house. I could not wait for such a good day to be underway.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Well not first place but I still placed (third). My Creative Writing class did a postcard writing challenge a couple months ago. We used the picture to create a story with and then wrote the story on the other side in very small writing so we could fit the whole thing (it had to be at a minimum 250 words). After we had to send them through the mail to our professor who gave them to a friend to decide who won. There were two first place winners and three third place winners. I can't believe that I got third. My writing has never been good enough for a prize. Anyways the semester is coming to an end and I have finals next week so I better get back to studying.