Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Once again.

I have been trying and meaning to get on and write, but good intentions never got me very far. I need action. Anyways the semester is coming to an end soon. I think I might change my major. I like the one that I have but the classes are boring. (See I only like a certain (very small) aspect about it.) I am thinking about becoming a psychology major. I have been taking psychology classes and I find them much more interesting then my major classes, so tomorrow I am going to go to the psychology department and ask what I need to do in order to change my major and to see if I am behind. I hope not but if I am it is what it is.

Monday, April 9, 2012


I just realized that I have failed to write on my blog in such a long time. It has always been I will write on it today well today has finally come. I have been really busy lately with homework and family time. I really have got to figure out a good time to write on here.

I'm not to sure on where to start, so much has happened. The birthday dinner that my Grandmother and I made was really good and the cupcakes were delicious. When I have more time I will try to post pictures and the recipe for the cupcakes. 

Between then and yesterday I didn't do much besides normal daily life. Yesterday was Easter and my family got together later in the day. Yesterday I managed to hide 305 eggs. I would try to put them higher then the ground and they would stay there until the wind blew and then they would all fall down to the ground so I just left them there.

I would love to tell you more about yesterday, but I have class starting in a few minutes, so I should probably go get ready for it.