Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Since My Last Post

So I haven't post on here in a while. Before I was just in and out of the house a lot and never had time to get on to write anything. Then on the 4th of July, I left on vacation with the whole family. I have been in Hungary since the 5th and will be leaving tomorrow. I am saddened that we are leaving so soon, but the time here was well spent. We did many things, such as visiting with family and going to see many different things in Budapest and more. My favorite things that we did (besides visiting family) were seeing the older historical things and going to the Puszta. The Puszta is in the country and we got to see a horse show there. The whole place was really neat. There were a couple dogs there that followed us around. Monica even named them. One of the historical things that we did was visit a World War II hospital. They had 70 wax figures and all of the medical equipment was from the 50's and 60's.

Tonight we are going to our last dinner here with the family. We are going to see folk dance. I am sad that we are leaving and I don't know when I will be able to get back and see my family again. We have been trying to convince them to come visit us in the states so we can show them around just like they have been showing us around. I really hope that they do choose to come visit. But either way I think that we all have made good memories together. Whether it was the way Gabi pronounced english words or just visiting the places as a family.

As we have been going places, we have been taking pictures and I have had a video camera. I am curious to see how the videos and pictures have come out and what candid shots we have gotten. I hope to bwe able to get the big family picture that was taken up on Castle Hill. This picture has all of us and Attila, Gabi and Urchi Bachi.

But for now, I am just going to cherish the last of the time that we have left and remember all of the wonderful memories that we have. I do hope to come back sometime in the future, but this will probably be the only time that we all come as a family.